by Katrina | Jul 7, 2019 |
I am very much looking forward to the day that I have finished moving the bee swarm I caught to their final spot in the garden. As you know, I had to move them from the location I caught them with the bait box, that was seven feet up on a trellis, to about ten to...
by Katrina | Jul 1, 2019 |
My sweet bees seemed to have a much easier time yesterday when they woke up and once again noticed they were moved two feet. I also opened up their entrance to twice the starting size. I think the colony is growing pretty fast. I see a lot of bees going in out...
by Katrina | Jun 30, 2019 |
I knew that moving the bee swarm box from eight feet high on the top of the arbor down to a lower location ten feet away was going to be stressful, but I had no clue just how stressed I would get. Thankfully hubby has been helping me every slow step of the way. The...
by Katrina | Jun 23, 2019 |
Today is Day 1. Last week I fixed the issue of the bees building comb on the lid of the bee box. I wanted to give them a week to recover from that trauma before I began the process of moving them from their high perch on the metal arbor, to the stand right next to the...
by Katrina | Jun 18, 2019 |
The ladies must have forgiven me because they are back at work foraging and coming back with big pollen pants. I will give them a week to rest and recuperate before I start moving them to a spot in the garden that is closer to the ground. In the meantime I am happy to...
by Katrina | Jun 17, 2019 |
Yesterday the sun came out and the day warmed up. The perfect weather for going into my swarm’s box and adding the much needed additional frames. When I had set the bait box up, I only added 4 frames with drawn comb on the left side. The right side, that the entrance...
by Katrina | Jun 16, 2019 |
I am currently in a bit of a sticky situation. The swarm that moved into my bee box has started building comb on the lid of box. If I ever want to get honey from these bees I need to remove the lid, add the next super (box) and put the lid back on top. This means I...
by Katrina | Jun 3, 2019 |
I feel bad for anyone who tries to have a conversation with me right now. No matter what they say I will always bring the conversation back to the fact that I finally had a swarm of bees move into my bait box. I am still just so thrilled about it. The sun was out...
by Katrina | Jun 1, 2019 |
I think my dreams of having a swarm of bees move into my bee boxes is not going to happen this year. I keep hearing about everyone else getting one without even trying. All the bee friendly planting I did just wasn’t enough. WAAAA!! I can’t complain too much though,...
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