nuc box homeSo now that you have heard Rachael’s take on pick-up day here is my side of the story. I had regrets as soon as we got in the car. I drove and Rachael began applying fresh lipstick and practiced her selfie poses. OH GOOD GOLLY! I barely brushed my hair. I frantically grabbed my Chapstick and did my best with what I had. The hair was hopeless, so I just prayed for a dazzling smile. I reviewed the picture and knew right then and there I should just concentrate on driving. Pick-up went exactly how she had described and it was a lot of fun. For me though, it was the next day that was the most stressful.

I debated once again if I should do my hair and makeup. We had planned to film ourselves moving the bees from their temporary box to their final home in the supers we had set up previously. I didn’t want to make the mistake twice, but joy filled my heart when I realized we would have veils on and you wouldn’t even see my hair. Ya.. you got that right. I am about to handle 1500 bees for the first time in my life and I am worried about my hair. Please refer to the previous post with princess pretty pants looking so fine and me looking like a troll. It was either that or worry about 1500 bees stinging me.

The morning of the move was pretty gloomy and cold, and just the perfect kind of weather if you want to anger bees. Apparently they are not morning critters and should not be disturbed early in the morning or in the evening time. Luckily the sun came out and we, along with the the film crew (our hubbies), made our way to the backyard.

This is were I gotta be real. I was working hard to be calm and give off a peaceful vibe. This is tough for me since I was nervous as all heck. Rachael on the other hand was as giddy as a school girl and was quite excited. I tried to throw calm vibes at her, but since I am new to calm vibes, I failed miserably. Honestly I had to Google what the heck a calm vibe was. I learned nothing. I was however prepared with my hubby’s thickest jacket, rain boots, and another 10 pounds of bee gear. I wasn’t taking any chances. Looking back at the video I may have overdone it. I looked like a deep sea diver trying to pick daisies.

When it was finally time to open the temporary box I was at a 12 on the nervous scale. You can’t see that in the video because i didn’t want the bees to catch on to my fear. Plus with all those layers it was getting hot. The box was eerily quiet. I expected humming. Not a sound came from the box, but when Rachael opened it the bees were definitely there and busy. So many bees! I dove in to move the first frame. It was surprisingly simple and uneventful. In fact the whole move was easy. The bees didn’t seemed bothered at all, and we were able to inspect the frames for the first time. The nerves floated away and we completed the job with not one sting. When the final frame was slid into place, and the roof was secured on top, I breathed the greatest sigh of relief. All the time we had spent talking to beekeepers, taking classes, and watching YouTube videos had payed off. We did good that day and I am so proud of us. I am not usually a mushy person; I hate mushy, but I am going to say this… At that moment I was so happy to share this wonderful experience with such great people. To my best friend Rachael, and the two greatest husbands two girls could ask for, I hope you read this and know how grateful I am to have you all. Plus I was kinda mean to you when we reviewed the videos and criticized some of your work. Sorry guys!



Baby Bees On Board! Pick-up Day Is Finally Here!
The First Two Weeks

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