Luther Burbank Home & Gardens

The third local garden the boys and I explored was the Luther Burbank Home & Gardens, located in downtown Santa Rosa, CA. “Where world-renowned horticulturist, Luther Burbank, lived and experimented with plants for most of his 50-year career.” I really...

Quarryhill Botanical Gardens

A very popular local magazine had published the “40 Best Ways To Celebrate Summer” in their July/ August issue. I love this magazine. We live in an area that people travel from all over the world to visit, and I only know about Target & Costco. This...

The Swarm Built Comb On The Lid Part 2

Yesterday the sun came out and the day warmed up. The perfect weather for going into my swarm’s box and adding the much needed additional frames. When I had set the bait box up, I only added 4 frames with drawn comb on the left side. The right side, that the entrance...

Can We Talk About My Bee Swarm?

I feel bad for anyone who tries to have a conversation with me right now. No matter what they say I will always bring the conversation back to the fact that I finally had a swarm of bees move into my bait box. I am still just so thrilled about it. The sun was out...

Where Are You Bees???

I think my dreams of having a swarm of bees move into my bee boxes is not going to happen this year. I keep hearing about everyone else getting one without even trying. All the bee friendly planting I did just wasn’t enough. WAAAA!! I can’t complain too much though,...

Time To Save The Planet

I want to help save the planet. I stopped using disposable water bottles, I don’t use weed killer, and I recycle. I decided I want to step it up a notch and try the reusable wraps made with beeswax. They are good for wrapping sandwiches, halves of fruit, or even...

You’re Not On The List

I am not a fan of the rain, but I am hoping that when the sun comes out it will be a second chance at catching a swarm of bees. I am hearing from other people that the swarms are out there and they have caught a few, but my two bait boxes are being completely ignored....

For Rent To Nice Bee Family

I have zero patience. Hubby put my beebox/ baitbox up nice and high in the yard, I added a little lemongrass oil to the entrance and on the lid to attract the bees, and I stood back to watch the bees move in. Five minutes later there are still no bees. WHAT?? The box...

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